A second P2PSSC is currently planned on April 28 from 4 – 6pm. It will be held via Zoom and will follow a somewhat similar format as the pilot but using breakout rooms for the groups to discuss challenges and then share out with others. We are considering whether to structure it around one common theme, e.g., how we are all adapting to expansive online learning, or to invite diverse challenges for consideration.

P2PSSC provides an opportunity for department chairs and directors to identify problems they are facing, and to collaborate with others in finding solutions. Using a consultatory model, small groups identify challenges for other groups to consider and provide suggestions for resolution. Participants may bring problems for discussion, but this is not required to participate. Given our current situation, many of us are dealing with challenges that are new or unexpected — our goal is to leverage the collective wisdom of current chairs and directors in finding solutions.

Zoom link: https://udenver.zoom.us/j/575309869