Symposium Committees

Committee members were selected based on the following criteria:

  • Representation across units
  • Representation of different faculty ranks and series
  • Diversity
  • Expertise
  • Expressed Interest in Serving

Symposium Committees
Deliberative Decision Making (DDM) Inclusive Excellence Training Advocacy, Community and Toolkits (IETACT) Chair Development & Training Chair Advisory Board Mentoring and Onboarding Across Ranks and Series (MOARS) - Teaching & Professional Faculty Mentoring and Onboarding Across Ranks and Series (MOARS) - Tenure Track Faculty

Deliberative Decision Making (DDM)

Goal: To support departments and units in deliberative decision-making by developing decision-making guidelines and practices and providing training and consultation.

Working Group Members

Annabeth Headrick, CAHSS
Darrin Hicks, CAHSS
Effley Brooks, UAP
Jack Sheinbaum, CAHSS
Kate Willink, Office of the Provost
Paul Sutton, NSM
DDM page

Inclusive Excellence Training Advocacy, Community and Toolkits (IETACT)

Goal: To build community around IE, provide hands-on experiential ideas, solutions, and best practices encouraging all to feel accepted and to have a sense of belonging to DU’s campus.

Working Group Members

Frederique Chevillot, CAHSS
Jing Sun, CAHSS
Kate Crowe, Libraries
Maik Mwosu, CAHSS
Scott Leutenegger, RSCES

Chair Development & Training

Goal: To better equip incoming chairs and like roles with a range of topics including deliberative decision-making and workplace conflict.

Working Group Members

Andrea Stanton, CAHSS
Erin Willer, CAHSS
Hava Gordon, CAHSS
Keith Ward, CAHSS
Lorenzo Patelli, DCB
Michelle Knowles, NSM
Rashida Banerjee, MCE
Sandra Eaton, NSM
Chair Development page

Chair Advisory Board

Goal: Support chairs through entire “life-cycle” by providing onboarding, professional development, off-boarding, and transition; as well as networking clinics. Create a feedback loop between Chairs &Directors (and people in similar roles) and the Provost’s Office.

Working Group Members

Aimee Hamilton, DCB
Annette Stott, CAHSS
Brian Gearity, GSPP
Cindy Cragg, UCOL
Davor Balzar, NSM
Joe Angleson, NSM
Mike Keables, NSM
Chair Advisory Board page

Mentoring and Onboarding Across Ranks and Series (MOARS) - Teaching & Professional Faculty

Goal: To build better on-boarding and mentoring programs for all faculty.

Working Group Members

Brad Benz, Writing Program
Nancy Sakaki, NSM
Norma Hafenstein, MC
Stacy Pinto, MCE
Theresa Conley, DCB
MOARS - Teaching and Professional Faculty page

Mentoring and Onboarding Across Ranks and Series (MOARS) - Tenure Track Faculty

Goal: To build better on-boarding and mentoring programs for all faculty.

Working Group Members

Eleanore McNees, CAHSS
Jennifer Bellamy, GSSW
Robin Tinghitella, NSM
Ryan Gildersleeve, MCW
Tracy Xu, DCB

MOARS Tenure Track Faculty page